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I'm a Terminal Cancer Patient, but I'm Fine

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By Hilnama

After being diagnosed with terminal colon cancer, the creator documents her physical and emotional journey through treatment in this powerful memoir manga.

At 38 years old, Hilnama, an erotic manga artist, is diagnosed with colon cancer. Never one to lose hope or give up, she begins treatment despite the terminal diagnosis. But when going through such a grueling process, it can be difficult to keep a positive outlook. When faced with the struggles and trials of life, Hilnama turns to what she knows: writing and creating manga! This poignant and down-to-earth account of living with terminal cancer is a testament to the author’s perseverance in the face of impossible odds.

Paperback | $14.99
Published by Seven Seas
Nov 01, 2022 | 160 Pages | 5-7/8 x 8-1/4 | ISBN 9781638585251